5 Frequently Asked Questions Surrounding Frozen Embryo Transfers
5 Frequently Asked Questions Surrounding Frozen Embryo Transfers
If you are considering freezing your embryos, or have frozen embryos in a past IVF cycle, it is important to understand what to expect during the frozen embryo transfer. Below, we will take a look at the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the process.
1. How does the frozen embryo transfer procedure work?
A frozen embryo cycle is very similar to a full IVF cycle, except that the first part of the process has already been performed. For several weeks, the woman's uterus is prepared to receive the embryo using fertility medication. Once the uterine lining is mature, the embryos are thawed under carefully controlled conditions. Then, the frozen embryos are examined to ensure that they survived the freezing and thawing process.
The transfer itself can be performed in the office in just a few minutes. The doctor loads the catheter with the embryos, then inserts the catheter through the cervical canal into the uterus, and fills up a balloon to hold it in place. Then, the embryos are deposited into the uterus.
2. What medications will I take before a frozen embryo transfer?
In most cases, you will take a course of Lupron to suppress ovulation, estrogen to build up the uterine lining, and progesterone to mature the uterine lining. The progesterone is continued for the first several weeks of the pregnancy, until progesterone production shifts to the placenta.
3. What restrictions will I have after a frozen embryo transfer?
Most women prefer to take it easy and lie down after a frozen embryo transfer, but there is no need for any restrictions on your activity. You can walk around, exercise, have sex, and perform all of your normal activities as soon as the procedure is finished.
4. Will it be painful?
You may feel some discomfort during the procedure, but should not feel much pain. As directed by your doctor, you can take over-the-counter medications to manage any discomfort you have after the procedure is over.
5. Is the schedule flexible?
A frozen embryo cycle has a much more flexible schedule than a full IVF cycle. The schedule can be altered as necessary throughout most of the process, but once progesterone begins the transfer must be performed within a certain time frame. If you are interested in fertility treatment, Dr. Randy Morris would be happy to meet with you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call IVF1 at (630) 357-6540.
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