Superovulation with Gonadotropins
Our specialized superovulation protocol empowers your fertility journey, offering hope and guidance every step of the way.
Superovulation with Gonadotropins
What is Superovulation with Gonadotropins?
A commonly used treatment for infertility involves the use of fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries to develop multiple eggs. There are two distinct therapies – ovulation induction and superovulation.
- Ovulation induction: This is used for patients who do not ovulate on their own. The goal is to induce the development of 1-2 follicles (the cysts that contain an egg)
- Superovulation: This is designed for patients who already ovulate on their own. The goal is to stimulate the development of 2-3 follicles.
The protocol is similar for each technique.
Superovulation Protocol

Starting with the first day of your period
On the first day of your menstrual cycle (the first day of full flow bleeding), call the office.
You will be scheduled to come in on the 2nd or 3rd day of bleeding for a baseline blood test and transvaginal ultrasound. If everything looks well on the blood and ultrasound, you will be instructed to begin your medication, typically either Gonal F or Follistim (depending on your insurance).
Taking Superovulation Medications to Mature Follicles
The medications are taken each evening for four or five nights. You will then return to the office and have another blood test and ultrasound. Depending on your response to the medication, we may adjust your medication dosage. It's also possible that another medication may be introduced called Cetrotide or Ganirelix in addition to continuing the initial medication. Most patients return to the office for monitoring a few more times. In some less common cases, patients may be expected to return daily for monitoring.

intercourse & insemination
You will be instructed to have intercourse on the night you take the hCG trigger injection (there may be some exceptions to this). The next night, we will ask you to abstain from intercourse.
Two days after the hCG trigger has been administered, you will be asked to have intercourse again or if you are doing an intrauterine insemination (IUI), it will be scheduled for that day. The interval between the hCG trigger and the intrauterine insemination (IUI) will be 36 to 44 hours.

hCG Trigger Injection
Once we have determined that the follicles (and therefore the eggs inside) have matured appropriately, you will stop all the medications you have taken to that point. On that night, for one night only you will take a different medication called the “hCG Trigger Injection.“

Progesterone supplementation
After the insemination, you will start taking progesterone supplementation vaginally. Depending on your insurance, this will either be a vaginal progesterone cream called Crinone or vaginal disintegrating tablets called Endometrin. Crinone is taken once or twice each day (morning and evening). Endometrin can be taken one to three times each day.
About one week later, you will be scheduled to return to the office for a blood test to check your progesterone levels. If your progesterone levels are low, you will be instructed to take progesterone injections intramuscularly, in addition to the vaginal progesterone.

testing for pregnancy
One week later, you will be scheduled for a blood test to determine if you are pregnant. This must be a blood test performed in our office.
Don’t assume that if you have started spotting or bleeding that it means you are not pregnant. Vaginal bleeding is commonly associated with the use of fertility medications. You must come for the pregnancy test in the office.
We strongly suggest you do not use a home pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. Home tests may give you a false positive due to the hCG in your system from the hCG trigger injection. You may also get a false negative if you are pregnant since the home tests are not as sensitive as the blood test we do in the office.
If you are pregnant, you will be instructed to stay on the progesterone and come to the office for further monitoring.

Starting with the first day of your period
On the first day of your menstrual cycle (the first day of full flow bleeding), call the office.
You will be scheduled to come in on the 2nd or 3rd day of bleeding for a baseline blood test and transvaginal ultrasound. If everything looks well on the blood and ultrasound, you will be instructed to begin your medication, typiclly either Gonal F or Follistim (depending on your insurance).
Taking Superovulation Medications to Mature Follicles
The medications are taken each evening for four or five nights. After which, you will return to the office to have another blood test and ultrasound. Depending on your response to the medication, we may adjust your medication dosage. It's also possible that another medication may be introduced called Cetrotide or Ganirelix in addition to continuing the initial medication. Most patients return to the ofice for monitoring a few more times. In some less common cases, patients may be expected to return daily for monitoring.
hCG Trigger Injection
Once we have determined that the follicles (and therefore the eggs inside) have matured appropriately, you will stop all the medications you have taken to that point. On that night, for one night only you will take a different medication called the “hCG Trigger Injection.“

intercourse & insemniation
You will be instructed to have intercourse on the night you take the hCG trigger injection (there may be some exceptions to this). The next night, we will ask you to abstain from intercourse.
Two days after the hCG trigger has been administered, you will be asked to have intercourse again or if you are doing an intrauterine insemination (IUI), it will be scheduled for that day. The interval between the hCG trigger and the intrauterine insemination (IUI) will be 36 to 44 hours.
Progesterone supplementation
After the insemination, you will start taking progesterone supplementation vaginally. Depending on your insurance, this will either be a vaginal progesterone cream called Crinone or vaginal disintegrating tablets called Endometrin. Crinone is taken once or twice each day (morning and evening). Endometrin can be taken one to three times each day.
About one week later, you will be scheduled to return to the office for a blood test to check your progesterone levels. (See Progesterone Testing in Infertility) If your progesterone levels are low, you will be instructed to take progesterone injections intramuscularly, in addition to the vaginal progesterone.
testing for pregnancy
One week later, you will be scheduled for a blood test to determine if you are pregnant. This must be a blood test performed in our office.
Don’t assume that if you have started spotting or bleeding that it means you are not pregnant. Vaginal bleeding is commonly associated with the use of fertility medications. You must come for the pregnancy test in the office.
We strongly recommend using a home pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. Home tests may give you a false positive due to the hCG in your system from the hCG trigger injection. You may also get a false negative if you are pregnant since the home tests are not as sensitive as the blood test we do in the office.
If you are pregnant, you will be instructed to stay on the progesterone and come to the office for further monitoring.