How Much Will it Cost to Have My Embryos Frozen?
How Much Will it Cost to Have My Embryos Frozen?
Embryo Freezing Costs
The cutting edge technology of embryo freezing – embryo cryopreservation – has helped thousands of infertile couples have healthy babies. Embryo cryopreservation is the process of preserving an embryo at sub-zero temperatures until the chosen time for transfer into the woman’s uterus for implantation. This process is commonly known as Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
Embryo Freezing Costs
In addition to the cost of a fresh cycle IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), $25,000, IVF1’s patients are afforded the ability to freeze their embryos for future FET at a cost of $300 for up to four embryos.Depending on your family planning goals:
- FET can take place several years in the future
- FET can be used in your next scheduled attempt to conceive should your fresh cycle IVF fail
- FET can also be utilized to achieve pregnancy through a gestational carrier
According to Dr. Randy Morris – founder and medical director of IVF1 – several studies have proven that pregnancy rates via FET are comparable to success rate through fresh embryo transfers.
Candidates for FET
Dr. Randy Morris recommends embryo freezing (cryopreservation) to:
- Patients who have produced excessive embryos through a fresh cycle IVF and do not want to incur the expense of undergoing another
- Patients who want to preserve healthy embryos before undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer
- Patients who want to preserve and then donate their unused embryos
- Infertile couples or fertile single women who seek to become pregnant through donor frozen embryos
Cutting Egg Embryo Freezing and FET Provider
Dr. Randy Morris utilizes the most recent standard of practice for freezing embryos – vitrification – a rapid freeze method. Vitrification entails preparing the embryos for rapid freezing using a high concentration of cryoprotectant. When the embryos have reached the blastocyst state of development – 5 to 6 days of growth in vitro – they are soaked in a high concentration of cryoprotectant at room temperature before being plunged directly into liquid nitrogen which immediately and drastically drops the embryos’ temperature. The vitrification process of freezing embryos prevents ice crystals from forming between the cells of an embryo, reducing any consequential damage to the embryo’s health.Dr. Randy Morris has performed hundreds of egg freezing and FET procedure; his statistics have shown the vitrification method of freezing embryos to be preferred. According to Dr. Morris, FETs have comparative pregnancy success rates to those of fresh embryo transfer rates.Discover more about Dr. Randy Morris and his outstanding contributions to the practice of freezing embryos and FET. To schedule a video consultation with Dr. Randy Morris, click below or call 630.357.6540.
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