How Much are Anonymous Egg Donors Compensated?
How Much are Anonymous Egg Donors Compensated?
Women who do not have viable eggs, or who have genetic issues, may choose to use donor eggs to get pregnant. The use of donor eggs allows women to get pregnant with an embryo formed from the donor's eggs and her partner's sperm. Because of the commitment made by egg donors, anonymous egg donor compensation can be significant.
Choosing Egg Donation
Women may choose egg donation if they want to carry their own child, but cannot use their own eggs for one of the following reasons:
- Premature menopause - Some women go through early menopause, in which they stop having menstrual periods because of the loss of egg follicles. This may occur for medical reasons, or as a result of treatment with chemotherapy or radiation.
- Occult ovarian failure - In some cases, a woman has menstrual periods but does not have many eggs or does not produce good quality eggs without a known reason. In such cases, she may be infertile and unable to participate in traditional IVF or other fertility treatments.
- Advanced maternal age - Egg count and quality decline with age. As they age, some women do not have enough high-quality eggs to get pregnant. With each year that passes, the likelihood of donor eggs being necessary increases.
- Maternal genetic abnormalities - Less commonly, some women may choose to use a donor egg if they have a genetic abnormality that they do not want to pass on. Most women with genetic abnormalities use preimplantation genetic testing to ensure that only healthy embryos are used. However, donated eggs may be used if the exact gene responsible is not known and cannot be tested for.
- Lack of response to other treatments - In some cases, women may choose to use donor eggs if they have not responded to other treatments, especially if they have not gotten pregnant after multiple IVF cycles.
How Much an Anonymous Egg Donor is Compensated
In most cases, known donors are not compensated, in which case the couple will only pay for the cost of testing and treatment. However, because anonymous donors donate their time and face risks and uncomfortable side effects, they are compensated for their efforts. The amount of compensation depends on geography and preference of the donor. In the Chicago area, anonymous egg donor compensation is usually around $5,000.
Choosing a Donor
Couples interested in using an egg donor may have someone in their life who is willing and able to donate eggs. A sister, close friend, or other person may be willing to donate their eggs. If there is not a suitable donor, or if the couple is not comfortable using a known donor, then an anonymous egg donor can be used. Both known and anonymous egg donors are rigorously screened. It is important that all donors are in good health, with no history of reproductive problems or serious medical problems. In addition, the donor must not have a family history of serious medical problems that can be passed down. Donors also provide information to create a profile to help couples choose among prospective donors. Couples can choose a donor with a similar physical appearance to the family, as well as attributes that they find important, such as intelligence, achievement, or special talents. Each couple should discuss which features are most important to them in a donor. If you are interested in egg donation, Dr. Randy Morris would be happy to hear from you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call IVF1 at (630) 357-6540.
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