Do Doctors Offer IVF Discounts for Veterans
Veterans sometimes experience infertility, either as a result of injuries sustained in battle or as a result of general health problems they suffer before or after service. IVF1 is proud to offer special programs to assist veterans and soldiers with fertility preservation and the treatment of infertility, including IVF discounts for veterans.
Veterans and Infertility
Unfortunately, it is not unusual for service members to sustain injuries that affect their fertility, such as pelvic injuries that harm the reproductive organs. Exposure to harmful chemicals can also render soldiers infertile. In addition, some individuals serve in the military during their most fertile years, leaving them more prone to the general fertility problems associated with age.There now exist a number of treatments that can help address these problems. It is recommended that soldiers freeze their eggs or sperm before embarking on an active tour of duty, as doing so can ensure that there are healthy gametes to use in IVF later on if infertility develops. For soldiers and veterans who are already infertile, going through IVF may represent the best chances of getting pregnant.
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Through SoldierCryo, IVF1 offers free fertility preservation services to military members in Naperville who are deployed to active, overseas duty. SoldierCryo covers the cost of sperm freezing and storage for the length of the tour of duty for men, or the cost of egg freezing and storage for women. Once the soldier returns from active duty and is ready to have children, they can use the frozen eggs or sperm if they are unable to conceive naturally.
SoldierCare offers IVF discounts for veterans and soldiers who do not have insurance that covers the cost of in vitro fertilization. IVF1 also helps soldiers and veterans find other resources to cover the cost of fertility treatment, such EMD Serono's Compassionate Corp Program, which provides free fertility medication to eligible veterans and soldiers.Dr. Randy Morris would be happy to meet with you about whether IVF is right for you. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information or give us a call at (630) 357-6540.