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IVF Resources
Acupuncture and Infertility

Acupuncture is the insertion of thin metallic needles into anatomically defined locations on the body to affect bodily function. Acupuncture needles are regulated by the FDA just like other medical devices such as surgical scalpels and hypodermic needles. This helps ensure that the needles meet standards for quality and sterility. In Illinois, practicing acupuncturists must show proof of adequate training by an approved acupuncture program and be licensed.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body, which are essential for health. Disruption of this flow is believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture can correct imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. These acupuncture points correspond to specific areas on the surface of the body. Attempts to study these areas have found that they do have unique identifiable properties such as temperature and electrical conductance.
Acupuncture Treatment
Some studies have shown that acupuncture has an effect on brain chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins, in turn can affect the levels of the pituitary hormones which control the function of the ovaries. It is possible, therefore, that acupuncture may be used to influence ovulation and fertility.
Several studies have shown that acupuncture apparently affected the levels of these hormones in the blood as well as the levels of estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries. A small series of women who had problems with ovulation found that that about half of them responded to acupuncture treatment.
A larger group of patients was studied by a German group. These women had various types of ovulation problems. They were divided into two groups. One group received medical fertility treatments and the other group had acupuncture. Although the investigators concluded that the acupuncture group had better results, the actual data is not that clear.
For example, seven pregnancies in the acupuncture group were actually achieved with hormone treatment 6 months after acupuncture was stopped. Another study used electro-acupuncture in PCOS patients in attempt to induce ovulation. Before treatment about 15% of menstrual cycles were associated with ovulation. After treatment, about 66% of the cycles were ovulatory.
Acupuncture and IVF – How might it work?
There are several mechanisms by which acupuncture could influence the results of In vitro Fertilization – IVF. Acupuncture has been shown in some studies to affect the levels of pituitary and ovarian hormones. Electro-acupuncture may help improve blood flow in the uterine arteries of infertile women.
The most immediate possible effect is that acupuncture served to “relax” the uterus around the time of the transfer. Several studies have shown that the uterus has contractions and that these contractions could cause expulsion of the transferred IVF embryos. If the contractions were reduced by acupuncture then that could be a mechanism for an improvement in IVF pregnancy rate.
However, researchers performing a study on 164 IVF patients found that acupuncture did not reduce uterine contractions. Furthermore, implantation of the embryos into the uterine lining does not occur for two to five days after embryo transfer depending upon when the embryos were transferred. It is unknown whether the effect of acupuncture performed on the day embryo transfer would last until the day of embryo implantation or longer.
Many patients have been told that they should use acupuncture for IVF because they will respond better to medication, get more eggs, get healthier eggs, or get higher pregnancy rates. Many women with specific problems such as high FSH levels or miscarriages have been promised that acupuncture will cure all these problems. To date, however, there is no objective data that backs up these claims.
As of early 2018, there have now been several studies looking at whether acupuncture influences the outcome of IVF cycles. I have reviewed some of the major studies below.
Acupuncture and IVF – Study Number 1
Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in May 2018. This study is hailed as the most definitive evidence yet that acupuncture has no benefit in terms of increasing the chance for a live birth with IVF.
Acupuncture IVF Patient Groups- Study Number 1
The study was performed in 16 IVF programs in Australia and New Zealand, the randomized clinical trial involved 848 women aged 18 to 42 undergoing an IVF cycle using fresh embryos. Treatments occurred between 2011 and 2015. Participants were given either acupuncture or a sham acupuncture control (a non-insertive needle placed away from the true acupuncture points).
Acupuncture and IVF Treatment – Study Number 1
Women were recruited at the time of the decision to undergo an IVF or ICSI cycle, and randomization occurred prior to starting medication. Following randomization, women made an appointment with the study acupuncturist onsite at the IVF centers or nearby. The first treatment was administered between days 6 and 8 of ovarian stimulation, and 2 treatments were given on the day of embryo transfer.
The acupuncturists had a minimum of 2 years clinical experience, held membership with a national professional association, and in Australia, were registered with the national Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
Acupuncture and IVF Pregnancy Rates and Results – Study Number 1
The frequency of live births did not differ between groups: 74 of 405 women (18.3%) randomized to acupuncture had a live birth compared with 72 of 404 (17.8%) in the sham acupuncture group. The likelihood of a live birth was not different between the 2 groups after adjusting for age, number of previous IVF cycles, and participating IVF center. there was also no difference in the rate of miscarriage.
Conclusions from Study Number 1
These findings do not support the use of acupuncture to improve the rate of live births among women undergoing IVF.
Acupuncture and IVF – Study Number 2
The first published study, which received a great deal of attention, was conducted by Paulus and colleagues. Although this study was well designed, it looked at a very specific group of patients. The results may not be applicable to other patient groups.
Acupuncture IVF Patient Groups- Study Number 2
The study looked at 160 women aged 21 to 43. Over half the couples were being treated for IVF because of male factor. One fourth had blocked tubes. This is an important consideration since three fourths of the patients would not be expected to have any hormonal abnormalities or uterine issues.
Another requirement for entry into the study was that only couples “with good embryo quality” were eligible. This is an extremely important point. Based on the results of this study, we do not have any idea whether acupuncture would work for couples who do not have good embryo quality.
Acupuncture and IVF Treatment – Study Number 2
In this study, IVF patients received acupuncture 25 minutes before and 25 minutes after the embryo transfer. No patients received acupuncture before or during treatment with fertility medications. Thus, we do not know if acupuncture would have had any effect on improving the number of eggs or any influence in the preparation of the uterine lining.
The acupuncture points chosen for the study were supposed to result in:
- Better blood perfusion and “energy” in the uterus
- Sedation of the patient
- “Stabilization” of the endocrine system
Acupuncture and IVF Pregnancy Rates and Results – Study Number 2
In this study, IVF patients who had acupuncture had a 42% pregnancy rate. IVF patients who did not have acupuncture had a 26% rate.
There was no difference between the two groups in the thickness of the uterine lining or indexes of blood flow through the uterine arteries either before or after the embryo transfer. Hormone levels were not measured during this study.
One of the criticisms of this study is that the results could be due to the placebo effect. To counter these criticisms, one year after publishing the original study, the authors presented a placebo-controlled study at the annual meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology. Two hundred patients with good embryo quality were randomized to receive either real or sham acupuncture for 25 minutes before and after ET. There were clinical pregnancies in 43% of the real and 37% of the sham acupuncture patients. Statistical analysis of the results determined there was no significant difference between the groups. In other words, in this study, conducted by the same investigators and performed in the same way as the original study, acupuncture was not found to improve pregnancy rates.
Conclusions from Study Number 2
When the first and second parts of this study conducted by these investigators are taken into account, it would appear that performing acupuncture immediately before and after the embryos transfer may not result in a higher chance for pregnancy.
Acupuncture and IVF – Study Number 3
Prior to beginning their study, the doctors who conducted acupuncture study number 2 performed a “power analysis”. This means they used some of the data from the Paulus study above as well as the pregnancy rate results from their own clinic to calculate, ahead of time, the number of patients they would need to study in order to prove that acupuncture either works or doesn’t work. They determined that to find a difference in the clinical pregnancy rate of 11% between no acupuncture (the control group) and acupuncture (the treatment group) they would require approximately 100 patients in a control group and 200 patients in the acupuncture groups.
Acupuncture and IVF Treatment Protocol- Study Number 3
The study was conducted over a period of 16 months. During that time, about 1000 couples underwent in vitro fertilization at their center. Of these, 300 couples agreed to participate in the study and were randomized to one of three groups on the day of egg retrieval. After randomization, 27 patients were excluded for various reasons. Of the remaining 273 patients, 87 were allocated to no acupuncture (control group), 95 to acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer, and 91 to receive acupuncture on the day of ET and again 2 days later.
Acupuncture IVF Pregnancy Rates and Results – Study Number 3
There was no difference between the three groups in the number of eggs retrieved or the number of embryos available to transfer to the uterus.
The ongoing pregnancy rate was higher in both of the acupuncture groups compared to the control group. The ongoing pregnancy rate in the group which received acupuncture once was 36%, in the group that received acupuncture twice, the rate was 33% and in the group that did not receive acupuncture at all it was 22%. Statistical analysis was performed to determine whether these results might have been due to random chance. The analysis determined that the improvement in pregnancy rates in the single acupuncture group was unlikely to be due to chance but that the improvement in the double acupuncture group may have been due to chance.
Interestingly, the miscarriage rate in the group that received acupuncture twice was 33%. This is higher than the miscarriage rate in the group that had acupuncture once 21% or the control group — 15%. Statistical analysis showed that these results might have occurred by random chance however.
The results of this study are somewhat confusing. If acupuncture was beneficial in increasing pregnancy rates, then why weren’t two acupuncture sessions better than one? What was the reason for the seemingly higher miscarriage rate in the group that received acupuncture twice?
Acupuncture and IVF – Study Number 4
In this third acupuncture study, a total of 225 infertile patients were included: 116 women were randomized into group I (the study group), and 109 women were randomized into group II (the control group). The physician who performed the embryo transfer was not aware of which couples were in which group. On the day of embryo transfer, the patients in the study group received acupuncture according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, a special Chinese medical drug (the seed of Caryophyllaceae) was placed on the patient’s ear. The seeds remained in place for 2 days and were pressed twice daily for 10 minutes. Three days after the embryo transfer, the patients received a second acupuncture treatment. In addition, the same ear points were pressed at the opposite ear twice daily. The seeds were removed after 2 days.
The control group received placebo or phony acupuncture. As in the treatment group, patients received phony acupuncture treatment for 30 minutes. The phony acupuncture treatment was repeated three days after the embryo transfer. Equal numbers of needles were applied to the study and control groups. The placebo acupuncture treatment was designed not to influence fertility.
Acupuncture and IVF Pregnancy Rates and Results – Study Number 4
Both groups were similar in terms of age, weight, duration of infertility, cause of infertility, and number of previous IVF attempts. No differences were found in the specifics of the ovarian stimulation, the number of eggs retrieved, the fertilization rate, or the number of embryos transferred.
The success rates were looked at in a few ways. The implantation rate is the number of pregnancies produced divided by the number of embryos transferred. The real acupuncture group had an implantation rate of 14.2% whereas the phony acupuncture group’s implantation rate was only 5.9%. The ongoing pregnancy rate was 28.4% in the real acupuncture group compared to 13.8% in the phone group.
Acupuncture and IVF – Conclusions from Study Number 4
This study introduced a number of variables that make it difficult to interpret the results. First, a Chinese medicine was administered in addition to the acupuncture. There is no way to determine, therefore, whether the results were the result of the acupuncture or the medicine.
The “control group” had acupuncture performed at sites that were not thought to improve fertility. It is possible however, that these sites actually had a negative effect. The way the study was designed, there is no way to determine which is correct.
Acupuncture and IVF – Study Number 5
This next acupuncture and in vitro fertilization study subjected the patients to three acupuncture treatment sessions. The first took place before the egg retrieval on the 9th day of ovarian stimulation with fertility drugs, and the second and third acupuncture treatments were performed immediately before and after the embryo transfer. Women were randomly allocated to receive treatment with acupuncture or with noninvasive “sham” (placebo or phony) acupuncture.
Acupuncture IVF Patient Groups- Study Number 5
Subjects were randomly allocated to a study group by selection of sealed envelopes. Women were allocated to receive treatment with acupuncture or with noninvasive sham acupuncture.
Acupuncture and IVF Treatment Pregnancy Rates – Study Number 5
Of the 228 subjects randomized, 15% were unable to complete the treatment protocol because their IVF cycle was cancelled prior to the embryo transfer. No difference in the grading of embryos was found between groups. The pregnancy rate, defined as fetal heart rate on ultrasound scan, was 31% in the acupuncture group and 23% in the control group. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the difference seen was likely the result of chance and not the acupuncture itself.
The pregnancy rate was also not found to differ between groups if the women studies were under age 35.
No difference was found between groups for other study endpoints: number of eggs retrieved, fertilization rate or number of embryos transferred.
To examine whether the attempts to conceal from the patients the treatments they were receiving was successful, subjects were asked which group they thought they had been allocated to. Twenty-six subjects (11%) correctly guessed which group they were in. 16 subjects were in the treatment group and 10 were in the control group.
Acupuncture and IVF — Conclusions from Study Number 5
This study, which appeared to have a valid control group, could not demonstrate a benefit in terms of better pregnancy rates when acupuncture was used.
We have several acupuncturists that work with our patients. If you are interested in having acupuncture performed as part of your IVF treatment then contact the office for a list of names.
IVF1 Clinical Trials & Research
Although we have many effective treatments for couples with infertility, there are still many unanswered questions. At IVF1, we conduct research studies to help answer some of these questions. Our clinical trials involve the use of actual treatments on patients with a variety of different problems. Currently we are conducting studies involving patients with infertility, recurrent miscarriage and those who have failed other treatments such as IVF or frozen embryo transfer. Click the links below to learn about current studies.
Fertility Preservation and the Role of AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone)
Recurrent miscarriage in IVF Patients
Thin uterine lining during FET (frozen embryo transfer)
IVF Recurrent Implantation Failure
Treatment of poor ovarian reserve
Primary investigator: Hillary Klonoff-Cohen, Ph.D.
Co-investigator: Randy Morris M.D.
NAME OF RESEARCH STUDY: Fertility Preservation and the Role of AMH
Summary: The purpose of this study is to measure Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) in your blood, which is often used to check a women’s ovarian function and fertility. As a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient, you have the option of undergoing in-vitro fertilization to store your eggs or embryos prior to beginning cancer treatment. Measuring AMH could provide an accurate measure of your future ability to become pregnant after completion of your cancer treatment.
Eligible patients:
- Reproductive age females (18-45)
- Newly diagnosed with breast cancer who have not yet undergone chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery,
- Planning to store oocytes or embryos for fertility preservation.
- Patients with other chronic medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes which is not adequately controlled
Primary Investigator: Randy Morris M.D.
Status: Recruiting eligible patients
Protocol ID: IVF-03
NAME OF RESEARCH STUDY: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study to investigate the effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in women with recurrent pregnancy loss during IVF.
Summary: This study is looking at the effects of effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women with recurrent miscarriage who are attempting pregnancy using IVF. We are trying to determine whether injecting PRP into the uterine cavity (where it will come in contact with the uterine lining) will improve the likelihood of an embryo to continue to develop after implantation.
Eligible patients
In order to participate in this study, you must
- Have had at least two unexplained, first trimester miscarriages
- Have completed an evaluation on both male and female partners without any causes for recurrent miscarriage being found
- Have embryos frozen at the blastocyst stage that are available for transfer
- Embryos must be frozen using vitrification
- Embryos must be considered high quality as judged by Naperville Fertility Center embryologists
- The embryos must be in storage at the Naperville Fertility Center before study enrollment
- Embryos may not have been thawed previously
- Embryos must have have undergone biopsy and testing for chromosome abnormalities (PGS or preimplantation genetic screening)
- Prior to study enrollment, demonstrate a normal uterine cavity and absence of hydrosalpinx by hysterosalpingogram, hysteroscopy or laparoscopy with chromopertubation.
- Have a BMI of less than 30 in order to enroll and must maintain a BMI of less than 30 when estrogen supplementation begins
- Have normal thyroid function as evidenced by a TSH level in the normal range within two months prior to enrollment.
You may not participate in this study if
- You have any contraindication to the use of estrogen or progesterone supplementation
- You have an uncorrected uterine abnormality
- You have an uncorrected hydrosalpinx
- You or your partner have other causes for recurrent miscarriage
- Either you or your partner who produced the embryos have tested positive for either syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV AIDS
- You have taken any non-prescription supplements within one month of enrolling in the study
- You have uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c > 6)
- You have uncontrolled high blood pressure (140/90 despite use of medication)
Primary Investigator: Randy Morris M.D.
Status: Recruiting eligible patients
Protocol ID: IVF-01
NAME OF RESEARCH STUDY: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study to investigate the effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women with thin endometrial linings during preparation for frozen embryo transfer (FET)
Summary: This study is looking at the effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women with thin endometrial linings during preparation for frozen embryo transfer (FET). We are trying to determine whether injecting PRP into the uterine cavity (where it will come in contact with the uterine lining) will improve the thickness of the lining in women who have previously had problems developing a thick lining.
Eligible patients
In order to participate in this study, you must
- Have had at least one previous FET attempt using a standard estrogen and progesterone protocol that was cancelled because of a thin uterine lining (< 6 mm) as measured by transvaginal ultrasound
- Have embryos frozen at the blastocyst stage that are available for transfer
- Embryos must be frozen using vitrification
- Embryos must be considered high quality as judged by Naperville Fertility Center embryologists
- The embryos must be in storage at the Naperville Fertility Center before study enrollment
- Embryos may not have been thawed previously
- Priority will be given to patients whose embryos have undergone biopsy and testing for chromosome abnormalities (PGS or preimplantation genetic screening)
- Prior to study enrollment, demonstrate a normal uterine cavity by either saline ultrasound, hysterosalpingogram, or hysteroscopy. A “normal” cavity at the end of an operative hysteroscopy must have follow-up with a subsequent evaluation at a separate time.
- Have a BMI of less than 30 in order to enroll and must maintain a BMI of less than 30 when estrogen supplementation begins
- Have normal thyroid function as evidenced by a TSH level in the normal range within two months prior to enrollment.
You may not participate in this study if
- You have any contraindication to the use of estrogen or progesterone supplementation
- You have an uncorrected uterine abnormality
- Either of the partners who produced the embryos have tested positive for either syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV AIDS
- You have taken any non-prescription supplements within one month of enrolling in the study
- You have uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c > 6)
- You have uncontrolled high blood pressure (140/90 despite use of medication)
Clinical Trial: IVF Implantation FailurePrimary Investigator: Randy Morris M.D.
Status: Recruiting eligible patients
NAME OF RESEARCH STUDY: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study to investigate the effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women with recurrent implantation failure.
Summary: This study is looking at the effects of intrauterine infusion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in infertile women with recurrent implantation failure. We are trying to determine whether injecting PRP into the uterine cavity (where it will come in contact with the uterine lining) will improve the likelihood of an embryo to implant.
Eligible patients
In order to participate in this study, you must
- Have failed to achieve pregnancy after transfer of
- At least two expanded blastocysts that have undergone comprehensive chromosome screening
- At least four expanded blastocysts that have not had comprehensive chromosome screening
- Have embryos frozen at the blastocyst stage that are available for transfer
- Embryos must be frozen using vitrification
- Embryos must be considered high quality as judged by Naperville Fertility Center embryologists
- The embryos must be in storage at the Naperville Fertility Center before study enrollment
- Embryos may not have been thawed previously
- Priority will be given to patients whose embryos have undergone biopsy and testing for chromosome abnormalities (PGS or preimplantation genetic screening)
- Prior to study enrollment, demonstrate a normal uterine cavity and absence of hydrosalpinx by hysterosalpingogram, or laparoscopy with chromopertubation.
- Have a BMI of less than 30 in order to enroll and must maintain a BMI of less than 30 when estrogen supplementation begins
- Have normal thyroid function as evidenced by a TSH level in the normal range within two months prior to enrollment.
You may not participate in this study if
- You have any contraindication to the use of estrogen or progesterone supplementation
- You have an uncorrected uterine abnormality
- You have an uncorrected hydrosalpinx
- Either you or your partner who produced the embryos have tested positive for either syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV AIDS
- You have taken any non-prescription supplements within one month of enrolling in the study
- You have uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c > 6)
- You have uncontrolled high blood pressure (140/90 despite use of medication)
Clinical Trial: Treatment to Improve Ovarian ReservePROTOCOL NUMBER: IVF1-04
NAME OF RESEARCH STUDY: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study to investigate the effects of ovarian platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection in women with poor ovarian reserve
Summary: This study is trying to determine whether injection of platelet rich plasma (PRP) into the ovaries of infertile women with decreased ovarian reserve will result in activation of ovarian stem cells and result in the production of healthy new eggs.
Eligible patients
In order to participate in this study, you must
- Be under the age of 40
- Have a history of infertility and be currently attempting pregnancy
- Be pre-menopausal as evidenced by still having menstrual cycles
- Have decreased ovarian reserve
- Low levels of AMH
- High levels of FSH on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle
- Low antral follicle count on transvaginal ultrasound on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle
- Have a BMI of less than 30
- Have normal thyroid function as evidenced by a TSH level in the normal range within two months prior to enrollment.
You may not participate in this study if you
- Are using any form of contraception
- Have previously had surgery on your ovaries
- Have undergone chemotherapy or radiation at any time in the past
- Have been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure
- Have ovaries that are inaccessible by transvaginal ultrasound
- Have used any herbal or nutritional supplements other than prenatal vitamins in the previous 6 months
- Have any contraindications to anesthesia
- You have uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c > 6)
- You have uncontrolled high blood pressure (140/90 despite use of medication)
Embryo Development
After fertilization has taken place, the embryos are transferred to a special growth fluid (media). The process of allowing embryos to develop in the IVF laboratory is called culturing. In order to enable the embryos to reach the blastocyst stage, the culture dishes containing the embryos and the media are maintained in an incubator where the atmosphere, humidity, and temperature are carefully monitored and controlled.
During this time in the incubator, it is hoped that the embryos will develop normally. Normal embryo development requires a process of cell division called mitosis. The single fertilized egg divides into two cells, then four and so on. Some embryos will not divide at all. Some embryos may divide at a very slow rate which is indicative of a poor potential for producing pregnancy. Some embryos may divide abnormally and start to fragment during their development. These embryos also have a poor potential for producing pregnancy. Normally, by the third day after the egg retrieval, healthy eggs will have divided into eight cell embryos.
Stages of Embryo Development
Embryos that have only divided into 2 or 4 cell embryos by the third day have a lower potential for producing a pregnancy. Sometimes, the embryos don’t divide equally giving rise to embryos with three, five or seven cells.
In addition to looking at the number of cells, embryologists will also grade the embryo by looking at its appearance under the microscope. Embryos that are dark in color or that have extensive fragmentation will also have a lower potential for producing pregnancy.

A “perfect” embryo would get a score of 1. A poor embryo might have a score of 3 or 4. We would like to see embryos that are 8 cells and grade 1. A patient may have a lot of good embryos or she may have none. Unfortunately, this scoring system isn’t perfect for predicting which embryos may produce a pregnancy. For this reason, some IVF programs may place more embryos into the uterus at this stage in order to increase the chances for a pregnancy. Unfortunately, this increases the risk for having a multiple pregnancy.
New technology allows for time lapse imaging of embryo development. Sophisticated software can take measurements of the exact timing of certain events. It is hoped that someday, as this technology improves, that it will enable selection of the best embryos for transfer. For now, however, time lapse imaging does not do better than an experienced embryologists.
Blastocyst Culture
Transferring embryos at the blastocyst stage will maintain the highest chance for pregnancy while keeping the risk for multiple pregnancy low. Blastocyst development requires culturing the embryos for two additional days in the laboratory. By this time (day 5 after the egg retrieval), healthy embryos will have reached the blastocyst stage.
Blastocyst Development
By definition, a blastocyst is an embryo that has divided into hundreds of cells and is composed of two parts. The outer sphere of the blastocyst is called the trophoblast. The inner portion of the blastocyst is filled with fluid. Inside the trophoblast, there is a clump of cells called the inner cell mass. The inner cell mass is the portion of the blastocyst that actually becomes the baby.
Blastocyst Transfer
Only a small percentage of embryos will reach the blastocyst stage. This self selection of the embryos allows the embryologist to pick the embryos that are most likely to produce a pregnancy. When transferring blastocysts, it is not necessary to transfer as many embryos to maintain a high pregnancy rate. This reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy and therefore increases the chances for a couple to have a live born healthy baby.
Many experts believe there is another reason for the higher pregnancy rates seen with blastocyst transfer. In a normal “in-vivo” (in the body) conception, the embryo does not reach the uterus until the blastocyst stage. If we were to place an embryo into the uterus at the 8-cell stage (after only three days of embryo culture, it is deviating from the normal body processes. That is, the 8 cell embryo does not belong in the uterus at that time. Transferring the embryos at the blastocyst stage is more “physiologic”.
Studies now demonstrate conclusively that the chance for pregnancy and the risk for multiple pregnancy are reduced with the use of blastocyst transfer. This is true for all age groups.
Embryo Freezing
Very often in IVF cycles, the number of embryos produced exceeds the amount that will be transferred. There are several options for what to “do” with extra embryos. One option is to freeze the extra embryos for a couple to use at a later time. In this way, if a couple fails to achieve pregnancy on an IVF attempt, they can try again using the embryos that were frozen. This is less costly and less invasive than a fresh IVF cycle. Alternatively, if a couple does achieve pregnancy and delivers a healthy live born baby, they can use their frozen embryos to have additional children later on.
As simple as it may sound, embryo freezing is a complex process. There are many techniques in use today for embryo freezing. There are slow methods for freezing and fast methods. Embryos can be frozen immediately after fertilization (pronuclear stage freezing), while the embryos is in the early stages of development (cleavage stage freezing) or in the later stages of development (blastocyst stage freezing). It is unclear if any one method is better than another.

Slow Embryo Freezing Method
The traditional method of freezing embryos is the slow freeze method. These techniques lower the temperature of the embryos gradually. One of the dangers of embryo freezing is the formation of ice crystals. If ice crystals are present when thawing the embryos, they can lead to damage of the embryo and the embryo may not survive the thawing process. In order to reduce the chance for ice crystal formation, before the embryo is frozen, it is soaked in a solution known as “cryoprotectant”.
Cryoprotectant is a solution used to protect biological tissues from freezing damage. The slow freeze method of freezing embryos relies on low initial concentrations of cryoprotectant. This low concentration of cryoprotectant is introduced when the embryo is still at a relatively warm temperature and is still experiencing the normal functions of living cells. The cryoprotectant will permeate and fill the embryo, replacing most of the water in the embryo.
The embryo is then inserted into a small plastic container and placed into a cooling chamber. By injecting tiny amounts of liquid nitrogen into the cooling chamber, the temperature is then lowered slowly to around –6°C. A computer controls the cooling process. The temperature is further lowered to around –32°C. By now, the metabolic rate of the embryo is quite slow. The embryo container is then plunged into liquid nitrogen, causing the temperature to drop even further which completes the freezing of the embryo.
Thawing of these embryos requires a fast approach. The embryos are rapidly warmed to room temperature to prevent ice crystal damage.
Rapid Embryo Freezing Method (Vitrification)
A newer method of freezing embryos is the rapid freeze method. The technical term is vitrification. To prepare an embryo for rapid freezing, the concentration of the cryoprotectant is much higher than that used for slow freezing. Again, this is accomplished while the cells of the embryo are at room temperature. The embryo cannot stay at this temperature for long and is immediately plunged directly into the liquid nitrogen which will immediately drop the temperature by a large amount.
An extremely rapid rate of thawing is used once again to prevent ice-crystal damage.
Vitrification is a newer method for freezing embryos. The possible advantages of vitrification are a lower chance for ice crystal formation and therefore a higher chance for survival of the embryo when it is thawed. Some studies have even suggested the possibility that embryos could be frozen and thawed repeatedly without being damaged.
Do Frozen Embryos Work As Well As Fresh Embryos?
This is a question that is often misunderstood even by doctors who are supposed to be experts in fertility. At IVF1, there is little if any difference in the chance for pregnancy whether fresh or frozen embryos are used. Why, then, do other programs say the opposite?
One of the main factors in determining the chance for pregnancy in IVF is the number of embryos transferred. If there are less embryos transferred, this can lower the chance for pregnancy. Let’s take the example of a couple that has four high quality blastocysts produced in a fresh IVF cycle. Two embryos are transferred and two are frozen. Let’s say the couple delivers a baby from the fresh IVF cycle and then returns to use the frozen embryos a few years later. Upon thawing, however, only one of the embryos survives and it is transferred.
In this case, the chance for pregnancy on the frozen cycle would be lower than the fresh cycle. Not because the embryos were frozen but because only one embryo was available on the frozen attempt instead of the two which were used on the fresh attempt.
Second, there are some programs that will freeze any extra embryos, regardless of the embryo quality. Of course, when these embryos are thawed, there is a lower chance for pregnancy not because they were frozen but because they were lower quality to start with.
Finally, of course, some programs simply have difficulty with embryo freezing and have lower success rates across the board.
There have been several studies in which the rate of pregnancy between fresh and frozen embryos has been compared. In some of these studies, when the number and quality of the embryos is taken into account, it has been found that there was no difference in the pregnancy rates.
Follow this link to learn more about the process of using frozen embryos to attempt pregnancy which is called a frozen embryo transfer or FET cycle.
Does Failure of Fertility Treatment Predict Future Health Risk?
An important question to answer in any field of medicine is whether treatment will increase the chance for health problems in our patients. In the infertility field, there are three questions:
- Are infertility patients at greater risk for health problems?
- Do fertility treatments increase the risk for health problems?
- Is there a difference in the risk for health problems depending on whether the treatment is successful?
A recent study from a Canadian medical journal has tried to answer some of these questions.
Infertile Study
The INFERTILE study (Investigation of Notable Failed Endeavours at Reproductive Treatment and Ischemic Long-term Events looked at whether fertility therapy failure is associated with subsequent adverse cardiovascular events. Cardiovascular events are things like strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. This study followed over 28,000 women who received fertility treatment in Ontario Canada between 1993 and 2011.
What Did the Study Show?
The study found that women who took injections of fertility medications and failed to deliver a baby had a higher rate of cardiovascular events over the next several years compared to women who took injections and did not deliver a baby. Overall, the annual rate of cardiovascular events was 19% higher among women who did not give birth after fertility therapy than among those who did.

Does This Mean That Fertility Treatments Caused These Problems?
Probably not. The study did not include infertile women who did not take fertility medications. That is a group you would need to study in order to determine whether the medication treatment itself was responsible. What this study showed is that women who did not deliver a baby had a greater risk than those who did.
The reasons for this are not clear but it may be that failure to achieve pregnancy is a way to identify women who were already at higher risk of developing these problems. We know, for example, that men who have chest pain or EKG changes when running on a treadmill are more likely to have cardiovascular events. This is known as a “stress test”. In this case, failure to become pregnant after fertility treatment might be a stress test that predicts women who will be more likely to develop cardiovascular problems.
Some evidence to support this interpretation comes from looking at some of the characteristics of these women BEFORE they started fertility treatment. The women who failed to deliver a baby were more likely to be obese, smoke cigarettes and have high cholesterol. All of these are known risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
What Should I Do?
All women should be aware of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. If you have risk factors, you should work with your primary physician to try to modify or reduce those risk factors.
Failure of fertility therapy and subsequent adverse cardiovascular events. Jacob A. Udell MD MPH, Hong Lu PhD, Donald A. Redelmeier MD MSHSR CMAJ 2017 March 13;189:E391-7. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.160744
First Time IVF Success
If there is one question that we hear more than any other, its “What can we do to maximize the chance for 1st Time IVF Success?” Although nobody can guarantee that you will be successful after IVF treatment, there are several options that can help sway the odds in your favor. If you prefer to watch videos instead… check out our YouTube Playlist

Does ICSI improve First Time IVF Success
There are two methods that have been used to fertilize eggs during IVF. The older method, known as “standard insemination” involved placing sperm near to but outside of the egg. The newer method, ICSI, involves injecting sperm directly into the egg.
Standard insemination is easier and less expensive, but has a higher chance for fertilization failure. In other words, sperm is added but doe not result in an embryo being formed. Numerous studies have shown that with standard insemination, the chance for fertilization failure is around 5-15%. Couples who have more severe problems such as low sperm counts or movement will have an even higher rate of fertilization failure.
Therefore, at IVF1, our recommendation to increase the chance for 1st time IVF success is to use ICSI for fertilization EVEN IF there are no known sperm problems.
Does Blastocyst Transfer Improve The Chances For First Time IVF Success?
Once fertilized, not all embryos will grow and develop. some embryos will degenerate, some embryos will develop for a few days and then stop. In IVF, there are different choices that can be made about how long to observe an embryo before deciding to transfer it. Commonly, IVF programs will choose embryos based on 3 days of development (cleavage stage) or 5-7 days (blastocyst transfer.
Watching the embryo for a longer period of time will help identify the embryos which are the healthiest and therefore the ones that are most likely to result in pregnancy. The rule of thumb here is “watching longer is better”. Nothing is more frustrating than placing a Day 3 embryo in the uterus and then wondering whether it continued to develop normally or not. Embryos that don’t become blastocysts in the lab would not have become blastocysts in your body. Identify the best embryos BEFORE transfer.
Does PGS (Embryo Testing) Increase The Odds For First Time IVF Success?
Some embryos may grow normally and reach the blastocyst stage but still not be good, healthy embryos that are capable of producing a viable pregnancy. Many embryos have chromosome abnormalities. The most common type of chromosome abnormalities are called aneuploidies. This is when an embryo has too many or too few chromosomes.
The older a woman gets when she creates an embryo, the higher chance for the embryos to have chromosome abnormalities. Since the early 1990s, we have had technology to identify embryos with chromosome abnormalities. Over the years since, the technology has improved. Today, using techniques such as Next Generation Sequencing, embryos testing has become very accurate and very helpful.
Therefore, if you are an woman who is 37 year or older, we would strongly recommend embryo testing. Many studies have proven that this will improved your chances for 1st time IVF success.
Optimize The Stimulation Of The Ovaries
To get the best egg quality, the ovaries need to be stimulated with two different hormones – FSH and LH. FSH is the hormone found in medications like Follistim and Gonal F. Either of these medications will work great for your IVF protocol.
IVF protocols that combine FSH and hCG may work better than FSH and LH. So ask your doctor for the low dose hCG protocol. Oh, and one other advantage, hCG is a lot cheaper so you can save a few thousand dollars in medication costs.
Use The Right Kind Of Progesterone
You already know from our last video on first time IVF success that you should be doing a frozen transfer instead of a fresh transfer. To do a frozen embryo transfer, you first prepare the uterus with two medications – estrogen (to get the lining thicker) and progesterone to make the lining receptive to an embryo. It does not seem to matter what kind of estrogen is used. It can be oral estrogen, vaginal estrogen, estrogen patches or even estrogen injections. Doesn’t matter.
The type of progesterone does matter however. This last year, a study was presented involving about 1000 women who were doing a frozen embryo transfer. They were split into three groups. Group 1 took vaginal progesterone only. Group two used vaginal progesterone and a daily injection of progesterone. The third group used vaginal progesterone and a progesterone injection every three days.
What they found is that the group using vaginal progesterone only had lower pregnancy rates. So much so that they stopped adding patients to that group even before the study was over. There was no difference detected in whether injections of progesterone were added every day or every three days.
So for this tip make sure you are taking both types of progesterone. Vaginal progesterone every day and injections of progesterone every 3 days.
Timing The Embryo Transfer
It turns out that not only does it not matter what type of estrogen you use, it also doesn’t matter how long you take the estrogen. The amount of time for progesterone however is very improvement. Progesterone changes the uterine lining to make it receptive to an embryo. For most women, the optimal time to place a blastocyst stage embryo into the uterus is on the 6th day of progesterone.
Where To Go For More Information
Check out this YouTube Playlist about First Time IVF Success if you prefer to watch videos. If you prefer reading articles, here is the previous article on First Time IVF Success
Frozen Embryo Transfer

Frozen embryos is a term used to refer to those embryos that are not transferred during in vitro fertilization cycles and are subsequently cryopreserved. A frozen embryo transfer can be used to produce a viable pregnancy by first thawing the frozen embryo, and transferring it into an appropriately prepared uterus. Other names for this process such as embryo freezing or embryo cryopreservation have been commonly used. The treatment to establish a pregnancy using frozen embryos has been called a thaw cycle or a frozen embryo transfer cycle or simply an FET cycle.
Pretesting For A Frozen Embryo Transfer
In order to maximize the chances for success using frozen embryos, a woman should have a normal uterine cavity. There are three tests that can be used to assess the uterine cavity:
- Hysterosonogram – In which saline is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with ultrasound
- HSG in which x-ray dye is injected into the uterus and the cavity is viewed with x-rays.
- Hysteroscopy – In which a fiberoptic telescope is introduced into the uterus and the cavity is viewed directly.
If abnormalities of the uterine cavity are discovered, they should be corrected surgically before proceeding with a frozen embryo transfer.
Hormone preparation for FET
Using hormones to prepare the uterus is the most common way in which a frozen embryo transfer is performed. In some cases, the physician may decide to suppress the pituitary gland. This can be done to reduce the chances of ovulation occurring unexpectedly. , Lupron can be used for pituitary suppression. For most women, this will require approximately two weeks of daily Lupron injections. Another medication can also be used to suppress the pituitary gland is called Ganirelix. Ganirelix does not need to be given ahead of time as it works immediately.
The second step in a frozen embryo transfer cycle is to use hormones to duplicate the changes that normally occur in the uterus during a regular menstrual cycle. This requires the use of two hormone medications: estrogen and progesterone.
Estrogen preparation for FET
During a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen is produced by the developing follicle. This estrogen acts on the uterus to thicken and mature the uterine lining. Estrogen is given in a FET cycle for the same reason. There are many different ways that estrogen can be given in a frozen embryo transfer cycle:
- Estrogen pills – Estrace, Premarin
- Estrogen patches – Estraderm, Climera
- Estrogen injections – Delestrogen (estradiol valerate), Depogen (estradiol cypionate)
- Vaginal estrogen – Vagifem, Femring
There is no data that any one method works better than another and a method is usually chosen based on physician preference. We like to use estrogen pills since it is easy to do, inexpensive and very well tolerated.
During the time when estrogen is given, the woman will come to the office periodically to be monitored. A transvaginal ultrasound is performed to determine the thickness of the uterine lining and a blood test is performed to look at the level of estrogen in the blood. On occasion, if the lining is not thickening as it should, the dose or type of estrogen must be increased or prolonged. The length of time the estrogen can be given is very flexible. During this phase, for example, the duration of estrogen may be prolonged to delay the day of embryo transfer to accommodate the patient’s schedule. The monitoring in a thaw cycle is very flexible. Unlike a fresh IVF cycle during which the required days for monitoring are determined by the growth of the follicles in the ovary, in an FET cycle, the days can be adjusted at any time. Thus, a frozen embryo transfer cycle is much less stressful on the patient.
Progesterone in an FET cycle
Once the uterine lining has been thickened sufficiently, progesterone is added. Once the progesterone is added, the Lupron may be stopped. Progesterone matures the uterine lining and makes it receptive to an embryo to implant. Once the progesterone is begun, there is a certain “window of implantation” during which the embryo must be transferred. The stage of the embryo must match the stage of development of the uterus. Therefore, the only factor that locks the patient into performing the transfer on a certain day is starting the progesterone. Once the progesterone is begun, if the embryo transfer is not performed on a certain day, the cycle must be cancelled and a new preparation with hormones must be begun after allowing a period to occur. There are many different types of progesterone that can be used in a frozen embryo transfer cycle. Some of the more common methods include:
- Progesterone pills – Prometrium
- Progesterone injections
- Progesterone vaginal suppositories
- Progesterone vaginal gels – Crinone, Procheive
There is considerable uncertainty in the medical literature concerning which type of progesterone is the best for FET cycles. Again, the choice of progesterone for an FET cycle is up to the discretion of the physician. A few things, however, most experts would agree on. Progesterone given by mouth is unreliable due to variable absorption and subsequent metabolism in the liver. In our practice, we give progesterone as intramuscular injections and with a vaginal gel. In this way, we can ensure that we have used whatever method of progesterone is ultimately determined to be the best.
Once the uterine lining is adequately thickened with estrogen, the progesterone is usually started on a particular day to allow for scheduling of the embryo thaw and embryo transfer for a time that is convenient for the in vitro fertilization laboratory staff. In our practice, we commonly freeze embryos at the blastocyst stage. This is an embryo that has developed for five days in the laboratory. It must be placed into a uterus that has been exposed to progesterone for five days. Our protocol is to start progesterone so that the thaw and transfer occur Tuesday though Thursday, in the afternoon. This allows my laboratory staff to be able to prepare ahead of time for all of the frozen embryo transfer cycles on one day. The afternoon transfer allows them to thaw the embryos in the morning, assess for viability during the day, thaw additional embryos if necessary and still have the transfer the same day.
FET During A Natural Cycle
If a woman has regular, ovulatory menstrual cycles, a frozen embryo transfer can be performed without the use of hormone preparation. Several studies have shown that the pregnancy rates in natural FET cycles are equivalent to that of hormone prepared cycles. In practice however, these cycles are much more difficult logistically to perform.
In the section above, it was stated that there is a precise window of implantation for transferring frozen embryos. This must be maintained in a natural FET cycle as well. This requires precise determination of the time of ovulation. This can be done by using a home ovulation predictor kit. However, as anyone who has ever used these kits knows, it is sometimes difficult to read them accurately. Although the instructions accompanying the ovulation kits usually recommended that women test the urine once each morning, for FET cycles we recommend testing in the morning and evening. It is also possible to monitor natural cycles using blood tests and ultrasounds just as we do for a hormone prepared frozen embryo cycle. Unfortunately, during a natural cycle, we cannot control the day of ovulation. If the day of embryo thaw and transfer falls regularly on a Sunday or holiday, the transfer will be cancelled.
Stage of Cryopreservation For Frozen Embryos Transfer
After an egg is fertilized, it can be grown in the laboratory for up to seven days. Cryopreservation of the embryos has been accomplished at all stages of embryo development. There is no universal agreement as to which stage of embryo development is the best for cryopreservation.
If an embryo is frozen immediately after it has been fertilized (pronuclear stage), the survival of the embryo after thawing appears to be high. However, since the embryo was not cultured in the laboratory first, its potential viability is unknown. Therefore, after the embryo is thawed, it must then be cultured in the laboratory in the same way it would have been if it had not been frozen. It is impossible to predict how many of the thawed embryos will reach the stage of development desired by the physician for transfer. Therefore, a higher number of embryos must be thawed.
If a large number of embryos does reach that stage of development, then there is a dilemma. Either a larger number of embryos must be transferred (which increases the risk of multiple pregnancy) or the extra embryos must be discarded or refrozen. There is very little data about the safety or success of refreezing embryos so it is not recommended.
An embryo can also be frozen after two to three days of embryo development. This is called the cleavage stage. Cleavage stage cryopreservation allows for some limited assessment of the development of the embryos. Some embryos, for example, will not have developed or look abnormal and thus would not be frozen. On the downside, the survival of cleavage stage embryos is lower. As with the case of embryos frozen at the pronuclear stage, cleavage stage embryos can also be cultured after thawing to further help determine the best embryos for transfer.
We freeze embryos at the blastocyst stage. Since the embryos have been cultured for five to six days, this enables the best assessment for viability and thus fewer non-viable embryos will be frozen at this stage. In the past, survival of the embryo after thawing has not been very good. In recent years, however, techniques for freezing blastocysts have improved and in selected centers the survival rate is very good. Blastocyst cryopreservation allows for the thaw and transfer of embryos on the same day.
Pregnancy Rates Using Frozen Embryos
There is much confusion about the ability of frozen embryos to produce pregnancy. On initial inspection, the chance for pregnancy using frozen embryos appears to be lower than the transfer of fresh embryos. On closer analysis, however, this may not be true. Find out more about frozen embryo transfer success rates on the follow up page. How long can frozen embryos remain viable ? In 2006, researchers from New Jersey compared the pregnancy rates obtained when embryos were frozen for different lengths of time. The data showed that no difference in the chance for pregnancy was evident even when embryos were frozen for more than ten years. Is embryo freezing safe for the baby?
Frozen Embryo Transfer Problems
Frozen embryo transfer or FET is a highly effective method for conceiving a pregnancy. In fact, recent studies show that the chances for pregnancy are higher when embryos are frozen and placed into the uterus at a time after the stimulation of the ovaries.
Frozen embryo transfers are most commonly performed by preparing the uterine lining with hormones. Estrogen is used first to thicken the lining and progesterone is used next to produce the changes necessary for an embryo to implant.
So what can go wrong with a frozen embryo transfer?
A Thin Uterine Lining
Many studies have demonstrated that not as many women get pregnant if their uterine lining, as measured on ultrasound, does not thicken enough. In most women, it isn’t clear why this happens and there isn’t a sure fire treatment that will always get the lining thicker. Fertility experts will try a number of different approaches such as increasing the dose of estrogen or changing how the estrogen is given. In other cases, supplemental medications can be tried. In some women, however, the problem will persist.
What Is Done If The Problem Persists?
One approach is to cancel the embryo transfer and try again at a later time, perhaps with a different treatment method. A second option is to go ahead with the transfer. A thin lining does not necessarily mean that it is impossible to get pregnant but the efficiency may be reduced. One other option is to use the opportunity to do additional testing to assess the “receptivity” or ability of the uterus to allow embryos to implant.
Unexpected Ovulation
In order for embryos to implant into the uterus, they must be placed at precisely the correct time. This is known as the window of implantation. The timing is based on the length of time since progesterone reaches the uterine lining.
When your doctor has you start taking progesterone supplements, he or she knows the correct time to place the embryos. However, if you were to ovulate – you would start producing progesterone earlier than expected and this would shift the window of implantation. Since it is nearly impossible to identify the exact time of ovulation, this will introduce some uncertainty into the timing.
For this reason, many doctors will use medications to try to prevent unexpected ovulation. The medications most commonly used for this are called GnRH antagonists. In the USA, two brands of GnRH-a medications are Ganirelix and Cetrotide
Inappropriate Timing For The Embryo Transfer
This problem is related to the early ovulation problem. However, in some cases, the window of implantation is shifted even then the timing of the transfer is accurate. Previously, doctors believed that the timing of the window of implantation was the same in all women. Studies using molecular markers to identify the correct “window of implantation” have shown that a small percentage of women may have a window of implantation that is earlier or later than usual.
Tests such as the Endometrial Receptivity Array were performed for many years in the hopes that it could help identify patients that has a shift in their window of receptivity and therefore allow the doctor t make adjustments. Unfortunately, several studies in the last few years have failed to show a benefit in making these adjustments Therefore, the ERA is no longer recommended.
Fluid In The Uterine Cavity

The cells of the uterine lining are constantly producing fluid. Some of this fluid is reabsorbed by cells in the uterine lining, some of the fluid leaks out of the uterus through the cervix into the vagina and some leaks out thought the fallopian tubes into the abdomen. In some cases, however, extra fluid may accumulate in the cavity and this can be seen on ultrasound. Doctors do not want to transfer embryos into a uterine cavity that is filled with fluid as this will lessen the chances that the embryos will implant.
In some patients, fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity may be a sign that the ends of the fallopian tubes are blocked causing the tubes to fill with fluid. This is called a hydrosalpinx. Women who have a hydrosalpinx have much lower pregnancy rates with IVF or FET cycles. The treatment to fix this cause for fluid is to perform surgery and remove the fallopian tubes. This is known as a salpingectomy. This is a well-studied treatment that is found to double the chances for pregnancy.
In the absence of a hydrosalpinx, getting rid of fluid in the uterine cavity is more challenging. If the fluid is present during the time that estrogen is being taken, then starting progesterone will often cause the excess fluid to be reabsorbed and an embryo transfer can proceed normally.
Some doctors will put a catheter inside the uterus and try to aspirate the fluid. There is little evidence that this is an effective treatment.
Finally, it may be prudent to cancel the FET cycle, induce a period and try again on a different month.
Unknown Factors
The uterine lining and the embryo have many complex interactions that are poorly understood. Even when none of the problems described in this article are present, embryos may still fail to implant. With continued research, new problems and new therapies will hopefully be discovered. IVF1 is currently conducting clinical research studies of a new treatment that we hope may help some women with recurrent implantation failure achieve a pregnancy.
Frozen embryo transfer is an effective means for achieving pregnancy. Problems can occur while preparing a woman for an FET. These problems include a failure to adequately thicken the uterine lining, premature ovulation, fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity and incorrect timing of a transfer. There may be other problems that scientists have not yet discovered.
Frozen Embryo Transfer Success
There is much confusion about the ability of frozen embryos to produce pregnancy. Frozen embryo transfer success has improved dramatically over the last several years. In the past, the chance for pregnancy using frozen embryos seemed to be lower than the transfer of fresh embryos. More recent data, however, suggests that this is no longer true.
Reasons Why Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Was Lower In The Past
Typically, when a frozen embryos transfer was performed, the embryos that were frozen were those that were not chosen for the initial fresh embryo transfer. Why not? Often, the embryologist chose the “best” embryos for the initial transfer. The embryos that remained were frozen. Some programs are very strict about the quality of the embryos they will freeze, other programs will freeze any and all remaining embryos. As in the case of fresh embryo transfer, embryo quality has a profound effect on the chance for pregnancy. If poor quality embryos were frozen, the survival rate after thawing as well as the pregnancy rate would be expected to be lower.
A second important factor is the number of embryos that were transferred. Take the example of a couple who produce four good quality embryos. Two are transferred in the fresh in vitro fertilization cycle and two are frozen. A pregnancy results and the couple delivers a baby. Later, the couple decides to attempt pregnancy again using the frozen embryos. Upon thawing, however, only one embryo survives. The frozen transfer is of a single embryo. Frozen embryo transfer success of a single embryo is going to be lower than that seen with a multiple embryo transfer.
Finally, the method to freeze embryos underwent a big change several years ago. In the past, embryos were frozen by a slow method. More recently, embryos are frozen by a fast method known as vitrification. The survival rates when the embryos are thawed is much better and the pregnancy rates when those embryos are transferred is also now much better.
Studies Show High Success Rates
Studies have been performed in women who had a very vigorous stimulation of their ovaries and were considered to be at high risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Their physicians decided to skip the embryo transfer and instead freeze all of the embryos for later use. This significantly decreases the risk of serious or complicated OHSS. In other cases, the physicians decided to go ahead with a fresh embryo transfer anyway, despite the risk of OHSS. In this experiment, the couples in both groups have a large number of embryos and the selection of embryos for transfer was for the best embryos in each case. These studies show no difference in the pregnancy rates between fresh or frozen embryos or higher pregnancy rates with frozen embryos.
We can conclude that cryopreservation does not by itself decrease the chances for pregnancy, rather it is the number of quality of embryos available that is the determining factor.
In 2006, researchers from New Jersey compared the pregnancy rates obtained when embryos were frozen for different lengths of time. The data showed that no difference in the chance for pregnancy was evident even when embryos were frozen for more than ten years.
In Vitro Maturation (IVM)
In vitro fertilization has helped hundreds of thousands of couples to achieve pregnancy and live births. Although initial efforts at in vitro fertilization in the 1960s attempted to mature eggs in the laboratory, these techniques were largely unsuccessful. The first live birth from in vitro fertilization obtained a single egg that was matured inside the ovary. No fertility medications were used. This “natural cycle” in vitro fertilization was gradually replaced by “stimulated” in vitro fertilization using various fertility medications since it was shown that when a larger number of eggs were retrieved, a larger number of embryos could be created. This allowed for selection of the best embryos for transfer into the uterus and as a result – pregnancy rates improved.
However, the use of fertility medications for ovarian stimulation has become extremely expensive. In addition, some women are extremely sensitive to the effects of these medications and, as a result, can develop a potentially life-threatening condition known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Finally, there are some women who have cancers that are hormonally responsive and therefore must avoid the high hormone levels that result from ovarian stimulation.
Clearly, there is a great need to develop better techniques to perform in vitro fertilization without the use of fertility medications. In 1991, physicians in Korea reported the first pregnancy from eggs that were obtained from an ovary at the time of a cesarean section and then matured in the laboratory. In 1994, another pregnancy was established in Australia using immature eggs that were obtained from women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Recent improvements in culture conditions and techniques have led to a great improvement in the likelihood for in vitro matured eggs to produce viable embryos.
In Vitro Maturation Candidates
The best candidates for IVM (in vitro maturation) are young women with large numbers of egg containing follicles or women who have attempted stimulated in-vitro fertilization and had production of a large number of eggs. Ideally, women under the age of 30 or 35 would be expected to have the greatest likelihood for having many eggs. There are two tests that are used to identify women with a large number of eggs. Using vaginal ultrasound, the ovaries can be seen and the egg containing follicles can be counted for each ovary. An excellent number of follicles to be a great IVM candidate would be more than 15 follicles in each ovary.
A blood test can also tell about the number of eggs in the ovaries. A hormone called AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) is produced by follicles in the ovary. A higher AMH level indicates a larger number of eggs in the ovaries. AMH levels will vary by age. As women get older and the number of eggs in their ovaries decrease, the AMH levels will start to decrease. For IVM, a woman should have an AMH level in the upper half for her age group. Women who are obese are not good candidates for IVM. The ovaries are very small when they are not first stimulated by fertility medications. This makes them more difficult to see on ultrasound. Obesity also makes it more difficult to see the ovaries on ultrasound and therefore makes it more difficult and more risky to try to remove the eggs from the ovaries. Women who have taken injectable fertility drugs previously and who had a very vigorous response or had a treatment that was cancelled for fear of hyperstimulation syndrome, may be very good candidates for IVM.
In Vitro maturation Techniques
The technique involved for in vitro maturation begins with a woman having a transvaginal ultrasound performed between day 3 and 5 of her menstrual cycle. If she does not have evidence for regular menstrual cycles and natural ovulation, she would be a candidate for in vitro maturation alone. If she has regular ovulatory cycles, then she is a candidate for natural cycle in vitro fertilization combined with in vitro maturation.

An injection of hCG is given and the eggs are retrieved 36 hours later. The immature eggs are placed in a petri dish containing specialized media to help the eggs mature. Once the eggs are matured, they are injected with sperm – this is a fertilization technique known as ICSI . The injected eggs are now cultured for several additional days to allow the embryos to develop. This is the same technique that is used in standard in vitro fertilization.
During this time, the female is given hormones to prepare the uterine lining. Both estrogen and progesterone are given after the eggs have been retrieved. A few embryos are then selected and an embryo transfer is performed.
In Vitro Maturation Results
A recent series from a fertility group in Canada followed the treatments of 63 women without ovulatory cycles. The average age of the women was 31. An average of 16 immature eggs were collected. Of these, about 65% could be matured in the laboratory. 79% of the eggs which matured were able to be normally fertilized by injection of a single sperm into each egg (ICSI). 90% of the fertilized eggs began to divide. If a patient had viable embryos for transfer, approximately 30% had a live birth. This is significantly lower than the pregnancy rate that can be achieved with stimulated in vitro fertilization, however, it is similar to what is seen using injectable fertility medications and intrauterine insemination.
Women who had ovulatory cycles are first monitored until they are though to be at a point just before ovulation. This enables the physician to potentially obtain one or two mature eggs in addition to the immature eggs. Using this technique, a similar live birth rate was obtained by the same Canadian group.
As with all fertility treatment, success rates are lower for older women. Using in vitro maturation, the pregnancy rates for women above age 35 were very low. Thus these women are not good candidates for this technique.
IVF1 was the first fertility center in the United States to achieve pregnancy using IVM.
IVF and Birth Defects
The risk of birth defects in the general population is usually cited at 1-3% of all births. The risk is higher with multiple pregnancies. Babies born from in vitro fertilization – IVF may also have birth defects. This may be due in part to the higher rate of multiple births seen in IVF cycles. There have also been studies that suggest that the risk of birth defects may be higher in babies born from IVF even when controlling for the rate of multiple births.
Another confounding factor is that couples who have infertility seem to have a higher rate of birth defects than the general population even if no fertility treatments are used. Thus, any study attempting to look at the birth defect rate in IVF babies must use a carefully chosen comparison or control group. Studies that use birth defect rates from the general population as a comparison to IVF, therefore, are probably overestimating the risk from IVF.
Nonetheless, a recent study from Finland found an increased risk of birth defects in babies conceived from IVF. There were two comparison groups: naturally conceived babies from the general population and babies who were conceived with non-IVF fertility treatments. The rate of birth defects in the IVF babies was 4.3%. The non-IVF fertility treatment rate was 3.7% and the general population rate was 2.9%.
The increased risk due to multiple pregnancies was again confirmed in this study. Even when conceived naturally, the rate of birth defects amongst multiple pregnancy babies was almost twice that of singleton babies (526 birth defects per 10,000 births versus 285 per 10,000).
Statistical analysis showed that the risk was mostly due to singleton boys conceived from IVF. On the other hand, the risk of birth defects in girls from multiple pregnancies was actually decreased.
Another recent study from the University of Iowa also found an increased risk of about 30% in the incidence of birth defects in babies from IVF . This study looked at the birth defect rate in three different groups: IVF babies, babies born after intrauterine insemination, and spontaneously conceived babies from the general population delivering at the University of Iowa.
A higher rate of birth defects was seen in IVF babies compared to the general population but not when compared to babies from insemination. Furthermore, there was no correlation between the invasiveness or complexity of a procedure and the rate of birth defects. For example, embryos that were kept in the laboratory for a longer number of days might be expected to produce babies with a higher rate of birth defect but this did not hold true. Likewise, when fertilization of an egg by ICSI, a more invasive method, was compared to fertilization by placing the sperm and egg together only, there was no difference in the rate of birth defects. Finally, when embryos were frozen and then thawed before transfer were compared to fresh embryos, there was still no difference in the birth defect rate.
In this study, males had a birth defect rate that was double that of females (8.03% vs 4.26%). Further analysis suggested that the increase in birth defects in males was primarily due to an abnormality known as hypospadias. Other studies however, have not shown an increase in the hypospadias incidence in IVF boy babies.
If there is truly a 30% greater chance of birth defects with IVF babies, then the overall rate of birth defects amongst all IVF babies would be from 1.3% to 3.9% of IVF births.
One further study worthy of mention was recently presented at a scientific meeting but has not yet been published. Canadian researchers looked at 2005 birth data from an Ontario database. They identified 870 births including 320 who used fertility medications, 180 who underwent intrauterine insemination and 370 who underwent in vitro fertilization.
The babies born after fertility treatment were compared to deliveries that were not the result of assisted reproductive techniques (ART). The overall incidence of birth defects in the ART population was 2.62% compared with 1.87% in the non-ART population.
When analyzed by the type of treatment, the incidence of birth defects in the IVF group was 2.97% compared to 2.66% for the intrauterine insemination group and 2.19% for ovulation induction with fertility medications.
Gastrointestinal defects were most common followed by cardiovascular defects and then musculoskeletal defects.
Due to the fact that the comparison group was women without infertility, the researchers acknowledged that further studies are needed to clarify the contribution of infertility itself.
On the other hand, a multi-center study funded by the National Institutes of Health was performed in 2005. 36,000 pregnancies were analyzed. 95% were spontaneously conceived, 1222 (3.4%) conceived with ovulation inducing drugs and 554 (1.5%) used IVF. This study found no association between either fertility treatment and the incidence of birth defects.
IVF and Chromosomal Abnormalities
Normal human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Embryos commonly have an abnormal number of chromosomes. These are called aneuploidies. As a woman gets older, she produces an increasing number of embryos with chromosome abnormalities.
In 2002, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that the rate of chromosome abnormalities in babies may be higher than that seen in the general population. However, a 2005 study in the United States was unable to find an increase in the risk for chromosome abnormalities from IVF.
The use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to fertilize eggs has been linked with a higher incidence of sex chromosome abnormalities in male offspring. Currently, this is thought to be due to transmission of chromosome abnormalities from the father rather than an effect of the ICSI per se.
Some studies have found that couples with certain types of problems may have a higher rate of chromosome abnormalities than expected. For example, one recent study showed that couples with recurrent miscarriage produce a higher rate of chromosome abnormalities.
IVF and Gene Imprinting Disorders
Genes are the functional part of chromosomes – they are responsible for specific functions in the body. Genes come in pairs with one member of the pair being inherited from the mother and one member from the father. Normally, the genes from both the mother and father function equally. With imprinted genes, however, only one member of the gene pair is functional and this is determined by the parent of origin. For example, maternal imprinting means that for a particular gene only, the copy received from the mother functions.
Imprinted genes have evolved over time in mammals to help fine-tune the growth of a fetus. Paternally expressed genes generally enhance growth, whereas maternally expressed genes appear to suppress growth.
Disruptions in the normal pattern of imprinting may result in human diseases. Recent studies have suggested that babies born from IVF may have a higher rate of certain rare imprinting disorders. Since these disorders are very rare, it has been difficult to determine if there is an association with IVF. Investigators have used rare disease registries to help identify possible risk factors for imprinting disorders.
IVF and Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Some experts now believe that IVF is associated Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS). BWS is characterized by a triad of pre- and/or post-natal overgrowth, macroglossia (large tongue) and anterior abdominal wall defects. In addition, about 7% of BWS children develop a tumor, most commonly Wilms’ tumor. The incidence of BWS in the general population is estimated at 7.2 cases per 100,000 births. Some estimates suggest that IVF increases the risk 3-4 fold. If true, this would give an incidence of 21.6-28.8 cases per 10,000 births.
This data was based on upon physician’s investigation of patients in the BWS registry. They found that 4.6% of the children in the registry were conceived from IVF whereas, in the United States during that time period IVF made up 0.8% of all births.
Some experts have noted however, that parents who have undergone IVF are more connected to the medical system and are therefore more likely to have their children added to the registry. This may then account for the skewed results.
IVF and Other Imprinting Syndromes
There were a few isolated reports of babies born from IVF having a rare form of Angelman syndrome. However, a 2006 British study was unable to confirm an association. The British study was also unable to find a link to another imprinting disorder known as Prader-Willi Syndrome.
The Danish Study of IVF and Imprinting Syndromes
A 2005 study Danish study examined 442,349 singleton non-IVF and 6052 IVF children. The investigators were unable to find an increase in the incidence of any imprinting disorders.
07/17/2008 IVF Study fails to show any increase in the risk of developmental disorders in babies
IVF Answers From Start to Finish
On the first day of full flow bleeding of the menstrual cycle, the patient will call us. Yes, even if it is on a weekend or holiday. She will come to the office on the second or third day for a baseline blood test and ultrasound. If a group is due to begin at that time and everything looks o.k., she will start taking fertility medications that same night. If a group is not scheduled to start, then she will start taking birth control pills until a few days before the groups is scheduled to begin.
Medications and monitoring
The first medications taken are the injections of gonadotropins medications

containing FSH (Follistim or Gonal F). She will do this for four or five nights. By the fifth or sixth day of stimulation, she will return to the office for another blood test and ultrasound. By looking at her hormone levels and follicle development on ultrasound, we will decide which medications she should take, their dose and when she will come again for monitoring. This process will continue until the eggs have matured and the patient is ready for egg retrieval.
By about the fifth or sixth of stimulation, a second medication, the GnRH antagonist (Cetrotide or Ganirelix) is added to the FSH to prevent premature ovulation.
By the seventh or eighth day, on average, the dose of FSH will be decreased and replaced with low dose hCG.
The Trigger Injections
Most women will be ready to receive the trigger injections by the ninth or tenth day. For some, it may be as early as the seventh day and for others, as long as 16 days. The type of trigger injections given will be determined by what type of IVF cycle is being performed. If the patient is having a fresh embryo transfer, she will receive a high dose of Follistim and a high dose of hCG. If she is not having a fresh transfer, then she will take a low dose of hCG and Lupron for the trigger.
Patients who will not have a fresh transfer include women who are
- at risk for OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
- freezing embryos for PGS or PGD
- freezing embryos for a deferred transfer
- egg donors
- using a gestational carrier
The egg retrieval is performed two days after the trigger injection day. During this time, antibiotic pills are given to reduce the risk of infection
Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer
After the egg retrieval, the woman will take one more antibiotic pill. If she is having a fresh embryo transfer, then she will also start taking progesterone. Typically, vaginal progesterone is used but in some circumstances progesterone may also be given by intramuscular injection along with supplements of oral estrogen.
If a fresh transfer is planned, it will occur on the fifth day after egg retrieval. After the embryo transfer, the progesterone is continued. A pregnancy test is performed eight days later.
Misconceptions about IVF
Recently, I have been seeing an increasing number of couples with unrealistic expectations about in vitro fertilization and cryopreservation. I have listed some of these and explained the problems in the context of an explanation of the realities of in vitro fertilization.
#1 The Ultrasonographer Told Me She Saw 20 Eggs During My Ultrasound!
Monitoring during an in vitro fertilization cycle includes blood tests for hormone levels and ultrasounds of the ovaries. The eggs, themselves, are too small to be seen on ultrasound. So what are the black circular areas that are seen on the ultrasound? These are the follicles. Follicles are small ovarian cysts that contain the developing eggs and fluid. As the eggs grow and mature, the follicle produces more fluid and thus the follicle gets larger. Only the follicles are seen on ultrasound, not the eggs.
#2 I Counted 20 Follicles On The Ultrasound, I Should Expect 20 Eggs From The Egg Retrieval.
During an egg retrieval, a needle is placed into the follicle and the fluid is aspirated. On the ultrasound, the doctor can see the follicle collapse around the needle. At this point, however, it is unknown whether an egg has been obtained. An embryologist inspects the fluid under the microscope to determine whether an egg has been obtained.
As an average, we are only able to get an egg out of the follicle about 70% of the time. In other words, if a patient has ten follicles aspirated, we would typically expect to get seven eggs. This is an average. Sometimes we get more, sometimes we get less. Women who commonly have lower retrieval rates include those who :
- Are older women
- Have poor ovarian reserve (high FSH levels, low AMH levels or low antral follicle counts)
- Demonstrate a poor response to fertility medications
- Have a high percentage of small follicles
- Anatomically have one or both ovaries that are difficult to reach during the retrieval
- Are obese
Occasionally, however, women who have none of the above problems may get a low yield of eggs from the retrieval.
#3 The Doctor Retrieved 20 Eggs, That Means I’ll Have 20 Embryos!
Initially, the eggs obtained are difficult to assess. They are covered with a large number of cells from the follicle. These cells are called cumulus cells. In order to assess the eggs clearly, these cells are stripped off the egg. Now the egg can be clearly assessed. The embryologist may find several characteristics about the eggs. The eggs can be classified as:
- Immature
- Mature
- Normal, healthy appearing
- Abnormal appearing
- Degenerated
- Fractured
Only the healthy appearing, mature eggs will have sperm injected into them. The range of healthy mature eggs can extend from 0-100% with an average around 60%.
Once a sperm has been injected into each healthy mature egg, they are placed into an incubator overnight. The next day, the injected eggs are inspected again under the microscope. The possible things the embryologist may see include:
- An unfertilized egg
- A normally fertilized embryo
- An abnormally fertilized embryo
- Unable to determine
As an average, about 70% of the eggs that are injected will become normally fertilized. Only those eggs that are normally fertilized will be placed back into the incubator and cultured in the laboratory. The remainder will of the eggs will be discarded.
#4 I Have 10 Embryos, That Means I Will Have Two For Transfer And 8 To Freeze!
The fact is that most of the embryos created through in vitro fertilization have poor reproductive potential. The purpose behind producing a large number of embryos to enhance the ability to select the best embryos for transfer.
We inspect the embryos at two time points only. The fertilization check (1 days after the sperm was injected) and four days after the fertilization check (5 days after the sperm was injected).
Several things may be seen during the inspection of the embryos:
- An embryo may not have shown any development at all. This is known as cleavage failure.
- The embryo may be dividing, but at a rate that is slow. This is indicative of a poor quality embryo.
- The embryo may have been dividing initially, but then stopped dividing at some stage. This is known as embryonic arrest.
- The embryos may have become fragmented as they divided. This is indicative of a poor quality embryo.
- The embryos may have divided at a normal rate but appear to be of poor quality under the microscope.
- The embryo has divided at a normal rate and appears to be of normal quality under the microscope
Remember that our ability to assess an embryo strictly by looking under the microscope is very limited. There are potentially many different types of embryo abnormalities that could interfere with the embryo’s ability to produce a live born baby that will not be seen by simply looking at it under the microscope. One type of abnormality occurs when an embryo has too many or too few chromosomes. This is why chromosome testing of embryos is so valuable. However, there are other types of abnormalities that we do not have the ability to test.
However, until we have newer and better tools to help assess an embryo’s potential, the microscope remains one of the best tools to help us find embryos to transfer. We are going to transfer the most normal looking, best appearing embryos even if the rate of development or the “quality” is not as good as we would like. We will not transfer embryos that, in our opinion, are not viable.
Transferring embryos at the blastocyst stage enhances our ability to assess embryos. This is based on the fact that that only about 30% of embryos, on average, will reach the blastocyst stage. This self selection process enables us to narrow down those embryos with the best viability. This means that if a patient has 10 embryos, on average, we would expect to have two for immediate transfer and ONE embryo to freeze.
We are very selective when picking embryos for cryopreservation. Only well developed, good quality embryos will be cryopreserved. In our experience, choosing lower quality embryos results in poor survival and pregnancy rates.
In the majority of the in vitro fertilization cases that we do, couples will not have any embryos frozen. Those who do have embryos frozen, may only have one or two. It is very rare, in our program, to have a large number of embryos frozen.
IVF Pregnancy Screening
Many women who seek fertility treatment are older and are therefore at greater risk for fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Consequently, many of these women will have 1st and 2nd trimester screening tests performed to try to identify abnormal fetuses. However, IVF treatment may cause these levels to differ from spontaneous pregnancies and therefore they should be interpreted with caution. In fact, one study has demonstrated that the rate of falsely abnormal results is twice as high in In vitro pregnancies.
Overview — screening for chromosome abnormalities
Any test that is performed on a pregnant woman to find an abnormal fetus has a chance for making the correct diagnosis and a certain chance for making an incorrect diagnosis. One type of error could be the result of the test not finding an affected fetus. This is called a false negative. A test which is very good at finding an abnormality is said to have a high detection rate. The higher the detection rate of a test, the lower the false negative rate will be. A second type type of error can result if the test indicates that a normal fetus "abnormal". This is called a false positive.
Ideally, we would like to have a test with a high detection rate and a low false positive rate. However, in practice, it usually doesn’t work like that. In fact, the higher the detection rate of a test, the greater the chance for a false positive.
If the results of a screening test is determined to be abnormal, then confirmation of a fetal chromosome abnormality is accomplished by checking the chromosomes directly through an amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling (CVS). These tests are more invasive and carry a small risk for fetal loss. Thus, keeping the false positive rate as low as possible as a highly desirable idea. This would reduce the number of times an amniocentesis or CVS had to be performed. In that way, there would hopefully be very few fetuses lost from performing the amniocentesis.
Second Trimester Screening Tests
Hormone levels drawn from the blood a pregnant woman between the 15th and 20th week of pregnancy have been studied for their ability to predict a chromosomally abnormal pregnancy. Initially an association was found between low levels of maternal serum alpha-feto protein and fetal chromosomal abnormalities including Down’s Syndrome. Subsequently, an association also found with elevated hCG levels, and decreased unconjugated estriol level. These three blood tests formed the basis of the "Triple Screen". More recently, a fourth hormone, Inhibin-A was found in higher levels in affected pregnancies.
This comparison tells us that using all four markers, raises the detection rate and lowers the chance for a false positive and thus is a better screening test than the triple screen.
First trimester screening tests
In the early 1990s, researchers discovered that measuring the thickness of the skin at the back of the neck of a fetus with ultrasound could predict fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Several years later, it was found that early in pregnancy, low levels of a hormone called pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and high levels of hCG were associated with fetal chromosome abnormalities.
Studies looking at the effect of IVF on hormone marker levels
The data from study A (below) were obtained from analysis of 151 IVF pregnancies. This is considered a relatively small study. The data from study B was combined from multiple centers and included over 1500 pregnancies. This is considered a large study and the results would be considered to be more valid. Although the trends in Study B were similar to those seen in Study A, statistical analysis indicated that the results could have been due to chance. In fact, a third study did not find a difference in the markers between IVF pregnancies and spontaneous pregnancies.
Pesticides & Success Rates

Fruits and vegetables are supposed to be good for you, right? It’s true. They are. However when you eat fruits and vegetables you are eating more than just the fruit or vegetable. In order to keep insects from destroying these crops, we use pesticides.
More than 90% of the US population has detectable concentrations of pesticides or their metabolites in their bodies. While pesticide exposure occurs through a variety of routes, the primary route in most people is through diet – especially from eating fruits and vegetables.
Women exposed to pesticides through their jobs and women living in or near agricultural areas seem to have a higher risk of infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage. Until now, however, there hasn’t been any studies to show whether women who are exposed to pesticides from eating a regular diet containing fruits and vegetables have the same risks or not.
A new study suggests looked at over 300 women with infertility who were going to be treated with IVF.
The total amount of fruits and vegetables that women ate did not have an impact on their chance for having a pregnancy or live birth from IVF. However, the researchers divided the fruits and vegetables into those that had a low or high amount of pesticide residue on them. They then determined whether women ate a larger or smaller amount of these fruits and vegetables. Here is what they found:
Compared with women who had less than one serving a day of the high pesticide fruits and vegetables, women who ate more than 2-3 servings a day had an 18% lower chance for pregnancy and a 26% lower chance for a live birth. On the other hand, eating the low pesticide fruits and vegetables did not have an impact on pregnancy or live birth.
The researchers then looked at the possibility of miscarriage. They found that the more high pesticide fruits and vegetables that a woman ate, the greater the likelihood that she would have a miscarriage – with the highest group miscarrying 34% of the time.
What Should You Do?
One interesting analysis that these researchers did was to look at the impact of swapping out a high pesticide fruit or vegetable with a low pesticide type. By doing this, women showed an 80% Improvement in the chance for pregnancy and an 88% increase chance for a live birth.
Since this is the first study of its kind, these conclusions should not be considered final or absolute. We also do not know if the same impact occurs and women who are trying to get pregnant without IVF or who do not have infertility. However, it seems reasonable to try to limit the amount of pesticide exposure in your fruits and vegetables. This may have a benefit on your ability to have a baby during IVF.
Dietary Tips
- When eating fruits or vegetables try to choose those with lower pesticide residue over those with higher amounts (see listing below)
- When possible, choose organic fruits and vegetables which have lower amounts of pesticide residue
- Be sure to clean your fruits and vegetables thoroughly to try to remove as much pesticide residue as possible. Simple Tricks to Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables
Low Pesticide Residue
- Peas or lima beans
- Dried plums or prunes
- Onions
- Beans or lentils
- Avocado
- Corn, fresh or frozen
- Cabbage or cole slaw
- Orange juice,
- Tomato sauce / Tomato paste
- Apple juice or cider
- Cauliflower
- Grapefruit
Intermediate Pesticide Residue
- Cantaloupe
- Tofu Soybeans
- Bananas
- Eggplant, summer squash, zucchini
- Yam or sweet potatoes
- Oranges
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Head lettuce, leaf lettuce
- Celery
High Pesticide Residue
- Tomatoes
- Apple sauce
- Blueberry, fresh or frozen
- Kale, mustard, chard greens
- Winter squash
- Fresh apple or pear
- String beans Green beans
- Grape or raisin
- Potatoes
- Spinach
- Peach or plum
- Strawberries
- Green/yellow/red peppers
Risks of Multiple Pregnancy
The greatest risk to undergoing fertility treatment is multiple pregnancy. Most fertility treatments will increase your risk for multiple pregnancy. Complications increase with each additional fetus in a multiple pregnancy and include severe nausea and vomiting, Cesarean section, or forceps delivery. You should be aware of these and other potential problems you might experience.
Premature Birth
Premature labor and delivery pose the greatest risk to a multiple pregnancy. Feasibility of a vaginal delivery depends on the size, position, and health of the infants, as well as the size and shape of the pelvic bones. Cesarean section is often needed for twin pregnancies and is expected for delivery of triplets. Although only 1% of all deliveries are twins, they account for 10% of all premature deliveries. Compared to singletons, of which eight per 1,000 die in the first month of life, twins are seven times more likely to die (56 deaths per 1,000), and triplets are 20 times more likely to die (160 deaths per 1,000).
Since premature labor and delivery present such a serious risk, a woman contemplating fertility treatment must understand the risks associated with prematurity that occur with multiple pregnancies.

Placental Problems
The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus, and the fetus is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord. The placenta provides blood, oxygen, and nutrition to the fetus through the umbilical cord. Placental function is likely to be abnormal in a multiple pregnancy. The placenta ages prematurely and may slow fetal growth, especially late in the third trimester. If the placenta is unable to provide adequate oxygen or nutrients to the fetus, the fetus cannot grow properly. This is known as intrauterine growth restriction or IUGR.
IUGR occurs when a fetus has a weight is below the 10th percentile for its gestational age and whose abdominal circumference is below the 2.5th percentile. For a full term delivery, the cutoff birth weight for IUGR is 2,500 g (5 lb, 8 oz). Infants who weigh less than 2,500 g (5 lb, 8 oz) at term have a perinatal mortality rate that is five to 30 times greater than that of infants whose birth weights are at the 50th percentile. The mortality rate is 70 to 100 times higher in infants who weigh less than 1,500 g (3 lb, 5 oz). Low birth weight of less than 5 and a half pounds (2,500 grams) occurs in 50% of twins. The average birth weight is approximately 4 pounds (1,800 grams).

Another placental problem is twin-twin transfusion, a life threatening condition in identical twins. This transfusion occurs when blood flows from one fetus to the other. Poor growth occurs in the “donor” twin, and excessive blood passes to the “recipient” twin. Therapeutic amniocentesis and laser coagulation of blood vessels may reduce complications of twin-twin transfusion.
Preeclampsia, also known as toxemia, occurs three to five times more often in multiple pregnancies. Preeclampsia is diagnosed when the mother’s blood pressure becomes elevated and protein is detected in the urine. The condition may progress and threaten the health of the mother and the pregnancy. When severe, the mother may have seizures or even a stroke.
Women with multiple pregnancies are more likely to develop gestational diabetes which is diabetes (elevated blood sugar) occurring during pregnancy. Mild gestational diabetes can cause problems for the baby including macrosomia (excess growth which causes the baby to be at increased risk for birth injuries or cesarean section). Babies at are greater risk for respiratory distress after birth, diabetes, obesity and developmental problems later in life. Women with gestational diabetes are also more prone to diabetes after pregnancy.
Fetal and Newborn Complications
Premature delivery places an infant at increased risk for severe complications or early death. A baby’s lungs, brain, circulatory system, intestinal system, and eyes may be too immature. These severe problems will often require that the babies stay in an intensive care unit specially designed for very ill babies. This is known as the neonatal intensive care unit or NICU. Survivors of premature birth may have lifelong handicaps.

Of the premature babies who die, 50% succumb to respiratory distress syndrome, the inability to circulate oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Brain damage is responsible for almost 10% of premature newborn deaths. Birth defects and stillbirths account for about 30% of the deaths in twins and multiple pregnancies.
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is condition, sometimes thought of as a group of disorders that can involve brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. Cerebral palsy is more common in twins than singletons. Among twins, if one twin suffers a fetal death or dies in infancy, the prevalence of cerebral palsy in the surviving co-twin is considerably increased, and those that are the same sex are particularly at high risk.
Single embryo transfer in IVF
During in vitro fertilization, the largest risk that a couple faces is that of multiple pregnancy. Doctors can increase the chance for pregnancy by increasing the number of embryos transferred in an IVF cycle. Doing this however, increases the chances for a multiple pregnancy.
A multiple pregnancy, even if it is only a twin pregnancy, is associated with a large number of problems for both mother and babies. The incidence of

pregnancy complications is higher compared to singleton pregnancies. Problems such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, preterm labor and cesarean section occur more commonly with twin pregnancies. These complications result in a rate of fetal death before delivery that is five times higher in twins than singletons. Preterm delivery leads to significant problems for babies such as respiratory distress and low birth weight. Prematurity is one of the primary reasons that seven times more twin babies die in the first month of life than singleton babies and why they have almost double the rate of severe handicaps. Babies that are born as multiples also experience a higher rate of birth defects and have a four times greater rate of cerebral palsy compared to singletons.
In sum, avoiding multiple pregnancy in in-vitro fertilization is a very desirable goal. The problem is how to accomplish this goal without reducing the chance for pregnancy overall.
Several IVF studies have looked at transfer of a single embryo to the uterus compared to two embryos. These studies have compared the overall pregnancy rate and the multiple pregnancy rates. In most cases, these studies looked at a very select group of women who were thought to have a very good chance for pregnancy. They were young, had a large number of high quality embryos (as assessed under the microscope), and usually were on their first in vitro fertilization attempt. As a whole, these studies showed a lowering of the risk of multiple pregnancies but also a lowering of the overall IVF pregnancy rate.
One recent study looked at an unselected in vitro fertilization population and found the same to be true but to a larger extent. There was a greater difference in pregnancy rates between those women that had two embryos transferred compared to those that had one embryo transferred.
Some programs persist on transferring embryos after only two or three days in the laboratory. These are known as cleavage stage embryo transfers. Studies comparing single embryo transfer to double embryo transfer at the cleavage stage have uniformly shown a lower pregnancy rate for the single embryo transfer. Although many studies using blastocyst transfer have not shown a difference in pregnancy rates, more studies are needed before definite conclusions can be drawn. It also has yet to be seen whether greater use of such methods as preimplantation genetic diagnosis can narrow or eliminate the difference in pregnancy rates and make single embryo transfer a more widely used practice.
Patients undergoing IVF have an interesting perspective on IVF risks. Most studies assessing the preferences of IVF patients have concluded that they would actually prefer to have twin pregnancies than singletons. A survey of 81 Scottish couples found that the majority of couples would prefer dealing with twin related complications than risk treatment failure and childlessness. A study of British couples found that even if these patients were given extra information and counseling about the risks of multiple pregnancy, only 25-30% would accept a single embryo transfer if they thought there was even a slight chance of a lower IVF pregnancy rate.